
Awareness Wall

Twice a year, large paper is placed over the oversized bulletin board
located behind the University’s Campus Store (chosen for its centralized
location) where students and staff an encouraged to post responses to
questions such as “What does consent mean to you?” or “How can we
discourage sexual assault on our campus?” as well as allowing individuals
to write anything they feel pertinent to the discussion or sexual assault
prevention in general.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Each April, SCU promotes practices that are apart of Sexual Assault
Awareness Month, culminating in partcitpation in in Denim Day whereby
members of the campus (both employees and students) are encouraged to
wear jeans in order to raise awareness of rape and sexual assault.
 During the weeks leading up to the event, images related to
misconceptions about consent and sexual assault are displayed on
the digital signage system on campus (located inside both
student lounges and the Campus Store).
 Posters, coffee sleeves, pins, and other items help promote the
concept of consent as well as how power impacts consent.

Restroom Poster Campaign

Inside every restroom on the SCU campus, including those inside the
University Health Center are posters entitled “Protect Yourself Against
Sexual Assault.”
The posters empower individuals to say “NO” to unwanted or
unsolicited sexual advances with examples of what does not
constitute consent.

Restroom Mirror Campaign 

Each restroom mirror is outfitted with mirror decals stating “Break
Through… Prevent Sexual Assault.”
The decals – and the location of their placement – is meant to
remind individuals on a consistent basis that sexual assault
prevention is something everyone is responsible for and to further
empower them to be part of the change that the University is
fostering by seeing their own reflection next to the image.